Frisco, TX | Cosmetic Dentistry at ZENSMILES | Zensmiles

A patient speaks about her experience at Zensmiles.


Speaker 1: Very happy that I have my smile back. After my fall, I was afraid to smile all the time because I had broken teeth in the front. And so I went around with my hand in front of my face practically because I was embarrassed and I wanted a doctor that did everything and that I was comfortable with. And when I found you I felt so much more comfortable and I felt that... I knew it would because of my medical problems, I couldn't be put out. But before I had these medical problems, I had had nitrous oxide, where it makes you just relax and everything. But I couldn't have that because I have to have my oxygen on. So I had to find a doctor that was trained in everything that my other doctors said no to before. I had to get somebody that was a specialist. So when I found you, I was very happy and all my teeth turned out just beautiful. And I'm very happy with the job you did.