Oral-Conscious Sedation in Frisco, TX

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what is oral-conscious sedation?

The dental industry has advanced leaps and bounds in a short period of time. However, fear of dental procedures still stops many patients from scheduling appointments for regular dental cleanings and exams. For this reason, board-certified dentist Dr. Mohit Shardha offers oral-conscious sedation to help patients feel more comfortable and relaxed during their treatments. He can prescribe anti-anxiety medications to be taken before your dental appointment, allowing you to be in a relaxed state of mind when you arrive while being conscious enough to follow instructions. If you'd like to learn more about oral-conscious sedation at Zensmiles, schedule a consultation right away at our Frisco, TX office.

candidates for oral-conscious sedation

Overall, oral-conscious sedation can help children and adults alike who have fears and anxiety about the dentist's office. Prior to being prescribed a medication for oral-conscious sedation, Dr. Shardha will need to complete a thorough evaluation of your health to decide whether or not you're a good candidate. He will review your medical history, current medications, and other factors to ensure that it's safe for you to take sedation medication and to determine which type will be best for you. Oral sedation might not be ideal if you have respiratory or heart complications, are pregnant, or have had an allergic reaction to benzodiazepines in the past.

What To Expect

There are several types of sedation medications that may be used. The medication chosen by Dr. Shardha will be influenced by you, your specific fears, your physical health, the procedure to be performed, and the approximate length of that procedure. Your medication will be prescribed during your consultation so you can have it filled before your procedure. Since you'll be taking the medication before you arrive, you should arrange for a reliable adult to drive you to our office and take you home after. With light oral-conscious sedation, you'll feel at ease but still be conscious and aware. With more significant sedation, you'll also be conscious, but your recollection will be a little fuzzy. You may fall into a light sleep during your procedure, but you should wake up easily.

useful medications for your dental procedure

Oral-conscious sedation is a useful tool when it comes to creating a pleasant experience for people who experience significant anxiety before seeing the dentist. If your fears are so great that you have trouble even coming in for a routine cleaning and check-up, reach out to our office in Frisco, TX. Board-certified dentist Dr. Mohit Shardha has the knowledge and expertise to select the sleep dentistry method that is appropriate for your unique situation.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.